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Executive Summary

The internet is undergoing a revolution, with centralized proprietary services giving way to decentralized open ones, trusted parties giving way to verifiable computation, brittle location addresses giving way to resilient content addresses, and ineffective monolithic services giving way to peer-to-peer algorithmic markets. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other blockchain networks demonstrate the usefulness of decentralized transaction ledgers. These open ledgers handle complex smart contract applications and deal with cryptocurrency assets worth tens of billions of dollars. These systems are the earliest examples of internet-wide Open Services, in which users join together to create a decentralized network that offers beneficial services for a fee, with no central administration or established third parties.
The efficiency and economics of large-scale storage have fundamentally changed due to decentralized storage. Users can store and exchange data without relying on a third-party storage service when central control is removed. Decentralization improves object storage’s security and privacy while reducing the chance of data failures and outages. Additionally, it enables market forces to find cheaper storage at a faster rate than any one provider could do. Although there are several methods to construct such a system, each implementation should consider certain particular obligations. We offer a modular architecture for considering these duties and constructing our distributed storage network based on our experience with petabyte-scale storage systems.
This work:
Introduces the Decentra Networks, provides a summary of the protocol and thoroughly explains a number of its components.
Creates Decentra as a DSN by formalizing decentralized storage network (DSN) techniques and their characteristics.
Describes a brand-new family of proof-of-storage techniques termed proof-of-replication, which enables demonstrating the physical independence of any data duplicate.
Presents a unique useful-work consensus based on storage and replication sequential proofs of power.
Creates two markets, a Storage Market and a Retrieval Market, that are formalized verifiable marketplaces that control how data is written to and retrieved from Decentra, respectively.
Covers use scenarios, connections to other systems, and protocol usage.

What is Decentra Networks?

Cloud storage is transformed into an algorithmic market by Decentra, a decentralized storage network. The market is powered by a blockchain that uses a native protocol token called “Decentra,” which storage providers earn by giving customers storage. In contrast, clients pay Decentra to Storage providers to disseminate or store data. Similar to Bitcoin, Decentra storage providers compete to create blocks with substantial rewards, but unlike Bitcoin, where mining is only beneficial for preserving blockchain consensus, Decentra storing power is proportionate to active storage, which directly benefits users. This motivates storage providers to gather as much storage as possible and rent it out to customers. This protocol creates a self-healing storage network that everyone on the planet may rely on using these accumulated resources. The network achieves resilience by duplicating and distributing material while automatically identifying and fixing replica problems. To defend themselves against various threat models, clients can choose replication settings. Since the material is encrypted end-to-end at the client and storage providers are not given access to the decryption keys, the protocol’s cloud storage network also offers security. On top of IPFS, which may offer storage infrastructure for any data, Decentra functions as an incentive layer. It is particularly helpful for constructing smart contracts, developing and running distributed applications, and decentralizing data.
The Decentra protocol is a blockchain-based Decentralized Storage Network with a native coin. Customers pay with tokens to store and retrieve data, and storage providers profit from storing and providing data. The Storage Market and the Retrieval Market, two verifiable marketplaces, are used by the Decentra DSN to manage storage and retrieval requests, respectively. Customers and storage providers place orders on the markets and determine the pricing for the services that are supplied and sought. The Decentra networks, which runs the markets, uses Proof-of-space-time and Proof-of-Replication to ensure that storage providers have saved the data they agreed to keep in the right way. Last but not least, storage providers can take part in the production of new blocks for the underlying blockchain. The amount of a miner’s storage that is now being used by the network determines how much influence they have over the upcoming block.
With the help of a network of independent storage providers that is not dependent on a single coordinator, the Decentra protocol offers a service for data storage and retrieval in which:
Clients pay to store and retrieve data; and
Storage providers earn tokens by providing storage.
By providing data, retrieval miners can receive tokens.

Our Vision

Our vision is to develop innovative solutions to revolutionize the cloud storage market and build a platform that consumers, businesses, and organizations will eventually adopt. People and corporations are looking for greater direct control over their cloud data in a world where significant data breaches occur practically daily.
Decentra will help secure and avoid data loss from data failure and unwanted infiltration by using a person-to-person network instead of a person-to-company network. In the end, users— not businesses—own and manage the data. We begin to solve these significant issues with cloud storage today by getting rid of central servers and encrypting all material. Your data management and control no longer need to be handled by centralized third parties. We are here to assist you in creating a cloud that is run and managed by you, the user!
Decentra Vision is Encapsulated With Three Main Components;


Growing the Decentra Networks by the people for the people


To be the world's most crypto-centric platform

All in one Ecosystem

Providing all facility under an umbrella

Problem with Centralized storage

For several reasons, decentralized cloud storage has become more popular than centralized cloud storage.

1. Data breaches:

In the past several years, almost all of the main players have experienced data breaches.

2. Data outages:

You and millions of others may experience data disruptions as a result of dreaded DDoS assaults.

3. Rising storage prices:

As centralized storage is more vulnerable to assault, this results in high bandwidth transmission costs as well as increased data protection expenses.

4. Lack of ownership:

You do not have sole ownership of your personal information.

5. Censorship & monitoring:

Even while there are certain advantages to censorship and monitoring, many people are against it, especially when it reaches Orwellian proportions.

Solution with Decentra Networks

Decentralized cloud storage in Decentra networks is when persons or groups who are motivated to join, store and maintain data accessibility store data on a decentralized network across numerous locations. Anyone is welcome to participate, they are kept honest by smart contracts, and they are rewarded for doing so with Decentra tokens.

1. Low Costs of Storage

The quantity of storage is substantially bigger because millions of nodes may host your data. In turn, this results in costs that are far cheaper than those of current centralized cloud storage services.

2. Fair Market Prices

Fair market pricing may be reached because of the nodes’ ongoing rivalry (including the fact that only high-quality nodes will survive this competition).

3. Faster Speeds

If there is more traffic than the network can handle, traditional Client-Server systems frequently cause bottlenecks. P2P technology allows for many copies of the data to be kept on various nodes without the need for a central server, increasing the number of copies available and facilitating quicker download rates.

4. Greater Privacy and Security

No one will be able to access your data or even know what you are storing because it is not only encrypted but also shared and distributed among participating nodes.

5. Minimal File Loss

Extra copies of your data can be saved in case of transmission problems, thanks to the possibly millions of participating nodes.

How Decentra works?

Describe Decentralized Storage and Computer platform. Anyone can rent out their unused home computer power and unused storage.
File contracts

A storage provider and client agreement are known as a file contract. The file's Merkle root hash is the foundation of a file contract. The file is divided into fixed-sized parts, which are then hashed into a Merkle tree. Storage proofs may be checked using the root hash and the file's overall size.

Prof of storage

To satisfy file contracts, storage proof transactions are frequently provided. Every storage proof is directed towards a particular file contract. A storage proof simply needs a contract ID and the proof data; it doesn't need any inputs or outputs.

Host protection

In order to reject unfavorable conditions or undesirable data (such as unlawful ones), a contract must be signed between the storage provider and their customer. Until the complete material has been submitted to them, the provider may also decline to sign a contract.


Decentra's main objective is to offer a blockchain that upholds storage contracts. The mining reward, however, is only indirectly linked to the total value of contracts being created. That will occur through a smart contract, and Decentra will use from Decentra token.

Why Decentra networks?

A different technology called Decentra uses cryptographic contracts to enable decentralized file storage. Storage agreements between customers and storage providers may be enforced through the usage of these contracts. A storage provider must periodically provide storage proofs to the network after accepting to store a file. Regardless of the client’s actions, the storage provider will automatically get payment for keeping the file. Importantly, contracts do not mandate that storage providers return requested files to clients. Instead, it is necessary to develop an out-of-band ecosystem that rewards storage providers for uploading. The arbitrary data field in the blockchain might be used as a means for clients and hosts to communicate with one another. Numerous safety measures have been listed that reduce Sybil attacks and host unreliability. We believe Decentra will offer a strong foundation for distributed cloud storage in unreliable settings.

Transparency & Immutability

Every asset is recorded on the blockchain using the Decentra Networks ecosystem, an audit trail is provided to track where the token originated. This can assist not only with security and fraud prevention in exchange-related firms but also with verifying the legitimacy of the storage assets.


Decentra token is one of the fastest-growing and most loved communities in crypto we believe that only together we are strong. Community is everything and Decentra networks here for you to resolve problem related to centralized storage.

Blockchain compliant

Because Decentra Networks is an Ethereum-compliant platform, it can perform a few operations that Etherium can. In the future, we hope to connect our own blockchain.



Decentra Networks


Decentra Token



Total Supply





To be announced soon

Our Roadmap to success

  • Decentra Database structuring 
  • Decentra Infrastructure Development
  • Decentra Incentive Testnet Features Enrichment 
  • Decentra Computation TestNet 
  • Decentra Storage TestNet 
  • Decentra Code Auditing 
  • Decentra GroveChain Smart contract deployment 
  • Decentra Computation Mainnet 
  • Decentra Storage Mainnet 
  • Decentra Mining Pool Console
  • Decentra Private cloud provider partnership 
  • Decentra EcoSystem Integration
  • Decentra  DCN Mobile App development
  • Decentra Major partnership
  • Decentra Major Network Expansion
  • Decentra Network (Own) Data Center integration
  • Decentra Networks mining pool expansion